Friday, March 4, 2016

Road Trip Report #2

Typing away here in the Douglas Mickey's D's.  (AKA: McDonalds).  No time this morning to process and post photos.  The connection here is very slow.

Here's the chronology without much commentary:

We really enjoyed the Tubac Trailer Tether and is was a little sad to leave Tuesday morning.   We spent most of the day in Nogales.  Luckily, all the US shopping stops were grouped together to we didn't have to navigate too many time spots with the trailer.

The Pimaria Alta Museum was a real hoot.  (See post about Able & Willing.) Very helpful Staff who told us about the pedestrian entry to Mexico.  We also learned how to find the historic obelisk,  Spent quiet a long time walking around the Mexican side looking for the elusive galvanized buckets.  Came up empty handed and were probably the only tourists to enter and leave with spending so much as a dime.

Made a short shop in Patagonia and then on to Sonoita.  Took an hour to drive out to Parker Canyon Lake.   Very sweet spot.   Only one other RV rig there.  Witnessed a Search & Rescue incident. (See post about the Air Show.) Did the 5-mile hike around the lake on Wednesday.  This part of Arizona feels and somewhat looks like a militarized zone.  The campground was very nice.

Thursday it was time to go once again.  We arrived in Tombstone about mid-morning and took in all the typical sights and sounds of a town seemingly frozen in time. Even though the OK Corral shootout only took a maximum of 20 seconds it continues to define the place.

Afterwards, it was on to Whitewater Draw to see thousands of sandhill cranes.  Luckily, we arrived as hundreds of them were returning from their morning feed.  Then we drove to Bisbee and felt fortunate to pay $5 for a suitable, safe parking spot for the trailer. We will write a long post about Bisbee someday.

And then it was on to Douglas.  After  gawking at the Gadsden Hotel, we went to the Police Station to inquire as to where it might be legal to park overnight.  That's how we wound up spending Thursday night in the Visitor Center parking lot.

We got up at 6 AM and headed to Mickey D's for coffee and WIFI.

Today we will spend at least half a day in Douglas before heading to Portal via Rodeo.  Next WIFI will probably be in Bowie a few days from now.

1 comment:

  1. I remember many fine days in Cochise County and it is one of Arizona's best corners! Of course, they are all good. But Cochise County (apparently the only county in the US named after and individual native) is truly special. I am only too saddened that it has become militarized. A warring we will go!
