Thursday, September 14, 2017

Chiricahuas Here We Come

We're booked into our  federal time share for six nights at Site 6 in Bonita Campground at Chiricahua Nat'l. Monument. We love being able to lock in a campsite.  The reservation window opens precisely six months  in advance of the day you wish to arrive in your chosen campground.  We planned to arrive at the Chiricahua NM on March 14, 2018.  So, that meant we needed to be ready to pounce on our favorite camp site on September 14, 2017.

We were pretty nervous since mid March is a highly desirable time to be in the Chiricahuas and most especially because of Spring Break and Saint Patrick's Day falling on a Saturday in 2018.  The reservation window opened at 8 AM Idaho Time and we were ready.  BOOM!  Got 'em...all six nights locked in for a grand total of $36!

Some folks we know balk at the idea of thinking six months ahead to reserve a camp site.  We whole heartedly embrace the ability to book a site so far in advance.  It brings great peace of mind to know that site is ours for that time period.  That's why we long ago started joking that the reservation system allows us to enjoy our own private federal time share.  You drive up and your name is already on the post. Such a great feeling!

Here's Site 6 as we saw it on March 2, 2017 when we arrived for our first visit to Chiricahua NM.  It was a little on the chilly side in early March so we figured mid March would be a little warmer.  Now that NOAA is chattering about the possible appearance of a La NiƱa, it might be a bit warmer that we'd like.  Ah, well.  We shall see, as they say.  Site 6 is a Sweet Spot.  Below are three more photos from earlier this year.

Blog Repurposed for 2018 Road Trips

Howdy and Thanks for visiting and reading.  We created this blog prior to doing out 2016 Southeast Arizona Road Trip.  The various posts below are all related to that trip.  As of mid-September 2017, the blog will contains posts relating to our upcoming 2018 Southwest and Southern Arizona Road Trips.  We know we will do at least one such Road Trip and possibly two or maybe even three.  We hope to spend a lot of time in Baja Arizona in early 2018.